In this ever-evolving business environment, effective communication is the key to success. So here comes no surprise that chat apps have become a reliable mode of communication. A few big sharks prevail in the chat app market. Still, continuous technological advancement and increasing user needs have unlocked opportunities for new message apps to acquire a portion of the market share. It is not vital to develop a new chat app just like Whatsapp. Instead, build a chat app that targets specific niches like dating, gaming, and medical care, facilitating smooth interaction with team members or clients.
Numerous queries arise, such as how to develop a Chat App with Firebase using Flutter or how to make an exceptionally functional chat app using Firebase for startups.
This blog has resolved all the queries and explained how one can develop a chat app using Flutter Firebase. If you still feel it is challenging, hiring a company that provides Flutter App development services would be best.
Some fascinating stats about Messaging Apps
- According to statistics, WhatsApp is ruling the message app market with 2 billion active users monthly. The second most popular app is WeChat, with 1.3 billion users, and Facebook has around 930 million users globally.
- In the US market, the number of chat app users has a share of 461.2 million; in contrast, China is anticipated to reach 592.9 million users by 2027.
Developing a Chat App in Flutter with Firebase
1. Google sign-in - Firebase in the chat app
The Flutter Firebase chat application keeps information secure by logging in to the app with a username. The first step is to create a Google sign-in. After choosing the Google Sign-in option, use either CMD/terminal or VS Code. Both tools are smooth code supervisors that assist in development processes like debugging, version control (managing code changes), and task running (automating repetitive tasks).
Follow these steps to move ahead:
- Discard MyHomePage() stateful widget from the main.dart file and create a new folder inside the project's library for better code organization.
- Create a new file named Sign-in.dart inside the new folder.
- Inside the Sign-in.dart, make a widget for the sign-in screen to include elements like framework, appBar, body, and floating buttons. Since the app bar is the same for multiple app screens, creating it in a numerous document file is an impressive approach to efficiently utilize it in different screens.
2. Widgets installation to add functionality
It is crucial to choose the right plugins to work your app smoothly. Integrate appropriate plugins and can build fully functional Firebase chat applications. You must adhere to Firebase Auth, Google Sign-In, Cloud Firestore, and Firebase Storage" instructions for installation.
If you face any issues while installing widgets, hiring a Flutter App Development Company is better. They can build a feature-loaded Flutter chat application for you. Flutter app developers are experts and can guide you to mastering difficult situations and ensure the app works without a hitch.
3. Ideal Plugins for chat app development
Install the following plugins for chat app development:
- Firebase Auth for Flutter
- Google Sign-in
- Cloud Firestore Plugin
- Image
Picker to choose images from the gallery
Fluttertoast to display a toast
Firebase Cloud Storage For Flutter
4. Build basic UI for the chat application.
In a chat application, five basic screens are available: a splash page, login page, homepage profile page (settings screen), and chat page. Numerous code arrangements are required to create these screens; therefore, it is essential to follow specific guidelines.
A. Login screen
When a user signs in to the chat application, after the app verifies the given credential with Firebase Authentication. Then Firebase Authentication sends back information about users as a variable called "firebaseUser." It includes the user display name, profile photo URL, and many more.
When a user enters the login screen, the app will verify whether it's a new or existing user. The app needs to save their information in the database if it's a new user.
B. Main Screen Layout
The main page of the chat application displays a list of all users with their profile information, including nickname, about me, and avatar. For more in-depth details, create a separate screen to view specific customer information.
C. Setting Screen Layout
Users can edit their personal information at the settings screen, such as changing their display pick, setting their nickname, and changing the "About me" description. For a more personalized experience, you can design the main page with extra fields and provide the altering admittance.
D. Chat Screen Layout
The chat screen is the main screen from where users can send and receive text or picture messages. Therefore the chat screen is different and handles various things.
Use "WillPopScope" to manage the back press. If a sticker or console is displayed on the screen, you can hide it by returning to the previous screen. It is how the app can handle the back press action more efficiently and provide a seamless user experience.
5. Connecting Flutter with Firebase
To connect Flutter with Firebase, follow the following steps.
- Sign up with your Google Account or Sign in to the Firebase
- After login in, create a project and go to the Project Overview section, then enter your Android app's "Package Name."
- In the next step, download "google-services.json" as per your Firebase project and move the google-services,json file into the root directory of your Android app module.
- In your Android project, open the Project-level "build.gradle" file and add the necessary "google-services" dependencies.
- Sync your project with Gradle to apply the changes.
Above mentioned steps will definitely assist you in developing Chat App with Firebase Using Flutter. But completing these steps will be challenging, especially in coding and multiple bugs. It would be best to hire a Flutter App Development Services providing company that understands your requirements and can deliver a top-notch chat app.
To leverage the messaging app market, Primotech can help you develop a chat app with Firebase using Flutter right from consultation until the app launch.